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Performance with injectable, get_it Flutter

I have a question. In my project, I have some class with singleton.

  • DioMethod (some api configs),
  • Repository (Connect ApiProvider and BLoc class),
  • ApiProvider (call api => get data => pass to Repository),
  • Some BloC classes such as MoviesBloc, MovieDetailBloc,..i created a BLoC class for each Screen.

and init all at $initGetIt the same.

_i1.GetIt $initGetIt(_i1.GetIt get,
    {String? environment, _i2.EnvironmentFilter? environmentFilter}) {
  final gh = _i2.GetItHelper(get, environment, environmentFilter);
      () => _i7.MovieDetailBloc(get<_i6.Repository>()),
      dispose: (i) => i.dispose());
  gh.lazySingleton<_i8.MoviesBloc>(() => _i8.MoviesBloc(get<_i6.Repository>()),
      dispose: (i) => i.dispose());
  return get;

I think If I scale my project, I can get some problem.

  1. This function will be too large and we have too much singleton still live in app.
  2. We need to init a lot of Object when opening the app => Can delay app?
  3. How to create a singleton only alive when access to the screen and destroyed after pop this screen.

Thank you for your anwser!


  • This function will be too large and we have too much singleton still live in app.

    I have hundreds of GetIt singletons and I do not see any problems.

    We need to init a lot of Object when opening the app => Can delay app?

    If you are worried about number of Objects - do not need to worry. When Flutter builds a frame (you know, it builds 60 frames per second), it creates a huge widget tree contains thousands of widgets and each widget contains dozens of objects. So hundreds of objects are really a very small number. Dart's Garbage Collector is designed for the many-object case.

    How to create a singleton only alive when access to the screen and destroyed after pop this screen.

    class MyPageOne extends StatefulWidget {
      const MyPageOne({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
      _MyPageOneState createState() => _MyPageOneState();
    class _MyPageOneState extends State<MyPageOne> {
      void initState() {
      void dispose() {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return ...your page...;

    This is just an example and you can, for example, encapsulate it into a widget.