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How to use Powershell to enumerate attributes of an XML element

I have an XML file that is structured like this:

    <Thing Stuff1='data' Stuff2='data' Stuff3='data' .....Stuff100='data'</Thing>
    <Thing Stuff1='data' Stuff2='data' Stuff3='data' .....Stuff85='data'</Thing>
    <Thing Stuff1='data' Stuff2='data' Stuff3='data' .....Stuff91='data'</Thing>

The attributes in each Thing are not always the same, some may be present and some may not. I read the file into $xmldata like this:

[xml]$xmldata = Get-Content -Path xmlfilename

I access each 'Thing' in $xmldata like this:


I want to enumerate all the Stuff attributes using something like


What do I use in place of the question marks to get a list of all the 'Stuff' items in each 'Thing'?


  • # Parse the XML file into a DOM.
    [xml] $xmldata = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath xmlfilename
    # Loop over the 'Thing' elements' attributes and emit them as 
    # custom objects with names and values.
      [pscustomobject] @{ Name = $_.Name; Value = $_.Value }

    Note the use of -Raw to speed up parsing the input file into an XML DOM. However, the robust way to parse an XML file that avoids character-encoding pitfalls requires the technique described in the bottom section of this answer.