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How to read scorecard items programmatically?

I managed to get the scorecard item using the BIMonitoringAuthoringServiceProxy webservice, but I have no idea how can i go through the items that it holds (am unsure of the terminology that should be used for the items that are shown in the scorecard).

I need to read these values and draw them on a bing map, so i need to iterate through the items.

I couldn't find any references online. So any help guys?


  • If you haven't seen this, this topic describes the high-level scorecard architecture --

    Not sure if this will help with what you are trying to do, but this is a sample of looping through a scorecard object that is used by scorecard transforms: (

    // Get the headers under the root row header.
    List<GridHeaderItem> nonLeafRowHeaders = viewData.RootRowHeader.GetAllHeadersInTree();
    // Get the leaf headers under the root column header.
    List<GridHeaderItem> leafColumnHeaders = viewData.RootColumnHeader.GetAllLeafHeadersInTree();
    foreach (GridHeaderItem rowHeader in nonLeafRowHeaders)
        foreach (GridHeaderItem columnHeader in leafColumnHeaders)
            // Get scorecard cells.
            GridCell cell = viewData.Cells[rowHeader, columnHeader];
            if (cell.IsCellEmpty || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.ActualValue.ToString()))
                //do something with cell
            viewData.Cells[rowHeader, columnHeader] = cell;