how can I make "cases" for the following code:
"This Program Will do THIS:\n"
win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONQUESTION)
for example
if select ok, do THIS, if select cancel, do THAT.
Should be something like this. (C#)
int result = win32api.MessageBox(None,
"This Program Will do THIS:\n"
win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONQUESTION)
switch (result)
case win32con.MB_IDOK:
//OK Selected.
//put 'ok' code here.
case win32con.MB_IDCANCEL:
//Cancel Selected.
//put 'Cancel' code here.
Not versed in python, but you should be able to just use if statements instead of a switch, like so:
if result == win32con.MB_IDOK:
//put 'ok' code here
elif result == win32con.MB_IDCANCEL:
//put 'cancel' code here