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How to replace RocksDB by in-memory db just for integration tests?

Since RocksDB still doesn't support Apple Silicon currently only x86_64 JDKs via Rosetta can be used which are 5 times slower than a native JDK. Therefore I'd like to replace RocksDB by an in-memory key-value store. How can Kafka be configured to use such an in-memory store by default?


  • It's similar to jego's answer, but I work with suppliers. This is how I configured them:

    @Profile("prod || stage || test")
    class PersistentStoreConfiguration {
        fun projektanhangStoreSupplier(): KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(ProjektanhangStore.NAME)
    @Profile( "it || dev")
    class ProjektInMemoryStoreConfiguration {
        fun projektanhangStoreSupplier(): KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier = Stores.inMemoryKeyValueStore(ProjektanhangStore.NAME)

    And this is where and how the supplier selected according to the spring profile will be injected and used. Pay attention to the @Bean and @Configuration class names.

    class ProjektAnhangStreamConfiguration {
        private lateinit var projektanhangStoreSupplier: KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier
        fun projektanhaenge() = Consumer<KStream<String, AnhangEvent>> {
   { _, v -> KeyValue(v.anhang.projektId, v) }
                .groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.StringSerde(), JsonSerde(
                    { ProjektanhangAggregator() },
                    { _, anhangEvent, aggregator ->
                        when (anhangEvent.action) {
                            CREATE -> aggregator.add(anhangEvent.anhang)
                            DELETE -> aggregator.remove(anhangEvent.anhang)
                            UPDATE -> aggregator.update(anhangEvent.anhang)
                        .`as`<String, ProjektanhangAggregator>(projektanhangStoreSupplier)