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How to inject a JS script in Qute Template Engine

I am using Quarkus with the qute template engine. I need to inject some dynamic js script to load on the HTML page. But qute convert js like this:

Template file hello.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>redirect by script</title>
        <p>Hi {name}!</p>


public class Resource {
  Template hello;

@Route(path = "/s/:name", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
  public Uni<String> rScript(RoutingContext rc) {
    String s = "console.log('Hi from script');";
    return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(() -> hello
            .data("name", rc.request().getParam("name"))
            .data("script", s)

The template render file like below and script will not run on browser:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>redirect by script</title>
        console.log(&#39;test redirect by script&#39;)

How can I pass script data to qute template file?


  • You will want to turn off Character Escapes:

    Either use raw:


    Or return a RawString:

    @Route(path = "/s/:name", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
      public Uni<RawString> rScript(RoutingContext rc) {
        String s = "console.log('Hi from script');";
        return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(() -> hello
                .data("name", rc.request().getParam("name"))
                .data("script", new RawString(s))