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Yii2 Kartik file input multiple file delete button

I have a problem with kartik file-input and the delete button... i have it working when i use one file. But for the multi files - i can't make the trash button working.. Here is my form and my controller action (delete-files).

As my function deleteFiles is the same for another form/controller and works, i think i have a problem with the form here, more than the action...

Any help would be very much appreciated 🙂

Here is my form code

             $allfiles = [];
             $initialPreviewConfigAward = [];
                 if (!$model->isNewRecord)
                 $filesData = ArrayHelper::map(MakerFiles::find()->where(['maker_id' => $model->id,'type'=>$model->gs_type])->all(),'id','file_url');

                 foreach($filesData as $iKey=>$iVal)
                     $allfiles[] = '/backend/web/'.$iVal;
                     $initialPreviewConfigAward = [
                       'caption' => '/backend/web/'.$iVal,
                        'url' => Url::to(['greensocial/delete-files','id' => $iKey])];

             <?= $form->field($upload, 'file_url[]')->widget(FileInput::classname(),
             ['options' => ['id'=>'award-file','multiple' => true],
                  'previewFileType' => 'any',
                   'initialPreviewAsData'=> true,
                  'initialPreviewConfig' => $initialPreviewConfigAward,
              //'showPreview' => true,
            //  'deleteUrl'=> Url::to(['maker/delete-files', 'id' => $initialPreviewConfigAward->id]),
             'showCaption' => false,
             'showRemove' => false,
             'showUpload' => false,
              ])->label(false); ?>

Here is my function (in my controller)

  public function actionDeleteFiles($id){
  $file =  MakerFiles::find()->where(['id'=>$id])->one();
  $filetodelete =  Url::to('@backend/web/').$file->file_url;

  if( file_exists ( $filetodelete )) {
   unlink( $filetodelete );
         echo json_encode('Fichier supprimé');
   //return 'fichier supprimé';
  else {  echo json_encode('Unable to delete'); }



  • So, Thank you very much @MichalHynčica, it was the missing [] i forgot... i can now move on the next problem haha

    i post the code modified here:

             $allfiles = [];
             $initialPreviewConfigAward = [];
                 if (!$model->isNewRecord)
                 $filesData = ArrayHelper::map(MakerFiles::find()->where(['maker_id' => $model->id,'type'=>$model->gs_type])->all(),'id','file_url');
                 foreach($filesData as $iKey=>$iVal)
                     $allfiles[] = '/backend/web/'.$iVal;
                     $initialPreviewConfigAward = [
                       'caption' => '/backend/web/'.$iVal,
                        'url' => Url::to(['greensocial/delete-files','id' => $iKey])];
             <?= $form->field($upload, 'file_url[]')->widget(FileInput::classname(),
             ['options' => ['id'=>'award-file','multiple' => true],
                  'previewFileType' => 'any',
                   'initialPreviewAsData'=> true,
                  'initialPreviewConfig' => $initialPreviewConfigAward,
              //'showPreview' => true,
            //  'deleteUrl'=> Url::to(['maker/delete-files', 'id' => $initialPreviewConfigAward->id]),
             'showCaption' => false,
             'showRemove' => false,
             'showUpload' => false,
              ])->label(false); ?>