My python script is creating a PDF that is stored on a shared T: drive. I want to take this PDF and embed it into the body of an HTML email script using the file path. I have sent HTML emails before with images embedded but they have always come from an online source.
Like "src = https:// www ."
Is there a way to embed this PDF using just the file path?
Thank you
Did a workaround. Made my PDFs into jpegs and then did this:
data = open(rf'path.jpg', 'rb').read() # read bytes from file
data_base64 = base64.b64encode(data) # encode to base64 (bytes)
data_base64 = data_base64.decode() # convert bytes to string
code = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + data_base64 + '">' # embed in html
open('output.html', 'w').write(code) #add html to a text file to be read by email