I am creating buttons within a repeater like this (simplyfied):
<asp:Repeater runat="server" OnItemDataBound="Repeater_Buttons_ItemDataBound">
<telerik:RadButton runat="server" CssClass="myButton" ID="MyButton">
those buttons are styled with :after pseudo to create a colored background swiping in the background of this buttons
.myButton {
.myButton::after {
content: "";
display: block;
width: 45px;
height: 45px;
background-color: var(--myColor);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
transition: 400ms all;
z-index: 1;
the result looks like this:
my problem is, I need to change the color of this :after content dynamically based on the item bounded.
I can access the RadButton on ItemDataBound where I tried to change it via the Attributes without success.
protected void Repeater_Buttons_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
var currentItem = (e.Item.DataItem as MyItem);
var radButton = (e.Item.FindControl("MyButton") as RadButton);
// whishful function I need:
radButton.After.BackgroundColor = currentItem.BackColor;
// or something like
radButton.Attributes.Add("style:after", $"background-color: {currentItem.BackColor}");
Also approaches via javascript where unsuccessful. I cannot create diffrente css classes hardcode since any color can be choosen for the different items
IMHO, you don't have to override existing CSS. Your CSS already has
.myButton::after {
background-color: var(--myColor);
So you need just to change this --myColor
CSS variable. Even without a server call. All on a client.
For a fast example, plain JS can do it. Such JS action could be built-in into a click handler.
const root = document.documentElement; //get the root element
root.style.setProperty('--myColor', someColorForThisMoment);
Or such code could be a part of an EventListener (randomly change --myColor
on each click):
function random(min,max) {
const num = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;
return num;
function getRandomColor() {
return 'rgb(' + random(0,255) + ', ' + random(0,255) + ', ' + random(0,255) + ')';
const root = document.documentElement;
root.addEventListener('click', e => {
const newRandomColor = getRandomColor();
root.style.setProperty('--myColor', newRandomColor);
UI styling is a client job. Don't overload your server with redundant calls.