I build a simple GUI using Tkinter which I would like to freeze to a standalone executable. I am doing this inside a conda environment. Working with OSX 10.15.7, python 3.7, PyInstaller 4.5.1 and conda 4.10.0. The folder structure looks like this (simplified):
- ImSep_files
| - ai4eutils
| - ImSep
| | - ImSep_GUI.py
| - cameratraps
| - detection
| - run_tf_detector.py
The script calls other scripts in the ai4eutils and cameratraps folders. If I create a conda env, set the PYTHONPATH
to include the paths to ai4eutils
and cameratraps
, and run python ImSep_GUI.py
, there is no problem. The GUI opens and functions perfectly. However, if I do exactly the same but run pyinstaller
instead of python
, it creates an exe which opens the GUI but throws an error when a button is pressed.
File "/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/cameratraps/detection/run_tf_detector_batch.py", line 56, in <module>
from detection.run_tf_detector import ImagePathUtils, TFDetector
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'detection.run_tf_detector'
This means that pyinstaller
cannot find the run_tf_detector.py
file. I have tried adding the --paths
flag like:
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name='ImSep' --icon='imgs/logo_small_bg.icns' --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/ai4eutils --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/cameratraps --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/cameratraps/detection ImSep_GUI.py
I am aware that there are many topics about this type or error. I have tried many potential solutions, but none seem to work. I have tried the following:
flag, as suggested here by HHest. If tried different versions: --hidden-import detection.run_tf_detector
, --hidden-import cameratraps.detection.run_tf_detector
, --hidden-import cameratraps.detection
, etc.hiddenimports=[],
line with the above paths, as suggested here by user1251007.sys.path.append(path/to/run_tf_detector.py)
to the top of ImSep_GUI.py
to 3.1, as suggested here by fivef.hook.py
with detection.run_tf_detector
the in a hooks
folder and adding it as --additional-hooks-dir=hooks
, as suggested here by Legorooj.run_tf_detector.py
into the file folder the same level of ImSep.exe
, as suggested here by Wayne Zhang.pyinstaller
from parent directory, as suggested here by all or None.pyinstaller
in the same directory in which ImSep_GUI.py
is present, as suggested here by Habeeb Rahman K T.pyinstaller
using conda-forge
instead of pip
, as suggested here by piping piping.FYI, this is how I create the environment and run pyinstaller
conda create --name imsepcondaenv python=3.7 -y
conda activate imsepcondaenv
pip install tensorflow==1.14 pillow==8.4.0 humanfriendly==10.0 matplotlib==3.4.3 tqdm==4.62.3 jsonpickle==2.0.0 statistics== requests==2.26.0
conda install -c conda-forge pyinstaller -y
cd ~/Applications/ImSep_files
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/ai4eutils:$PWD/cameratraps"
cd ImSep
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name='ImSep' --icon='imgs/logo_small_bg.icns' --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/ai4eutils --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/cameratraps --paths=/Users/peter/Applications/ImSep_files/cameratraps/detection ImSep_GUI.py
Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
PS: For OSX and UNIX users it is possible to get a reproducible example:
mkdir ImSep_files
cd ImSep_files
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/cameratraps -b tf1-compat
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/ai4eutils
git clone https://github.com/PetervanLunteren/ImSep.git
curl --output md_v4.1.0.pb https://lilablobssc.blob.core.windows.net/models/camera_traps/megadetector/md_v4.1.0/md_v4.1.0.pb
is almost always a local minimum. In my experience, it only complicates things in the long run. I would recommend Step 1 is remove PYTHONPATH
from your workflow and learn about python packagens and editable intsalls. It'll make development much easier in the long run.
basically started as a way to let "scripts" access other modules without actually installing a package. This made more sense back in the bad old days before virtualenv and conda, but now it is just easier and more organized to just use a package structure.
Try structuring your project like a typical installable python library. E.g.
├── .git
├── ImSep_files
│ ├── ai4eutils
│ ├── cameratraps
│ │ └── detection
│ │ └── run_tf_detector.py
│ └── ImSep
│ └── ImSep_GUI.py
└── setup.py
Make sure you can pip install .
from your root directory. You should have some top-level package name you import from (in this case I've arbitrarily picked ImgSep_Files
as your library name, but it could be whatever). Then you ought to be able to always import using either absolute or relative package syntax, like
from .detection.run_tf_detector import ImagePathUtils, TFDetector
The ultimate test is if you can run python -m ImSep_files.cameratraps.detection.run_tf_detector
. Without using PYTHONPATH
. That means you have your import structured correctly and pyinstaller should have no problem picking up on your dependencies.
Update: here's an example simple package with setup.py
. I chose setup.py even though that's kinda old school and things are moving towards pyproject.toml
because there is more documentation out there for this style:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description="An example setup.py",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
"console_scripts": [
Then I have a layout like this:
└── my_project_name
├── .git
├── my_package
│ ├── gui
│ │ ├── gui.py
│ │ └── gui_utils.py
│ ├── scripts
│ │ └── run_tf_detector.py
│ └── detection
│ └── tf_detector.py
├── README.md
├── setup.py
└── tests
└── test_tf_detector.py
is my "repo root". my_package
is the name of my package. I would import like from my_package.detection.tf_detector import TFDetector
. In this case, I would put all of the classes and logic in tf_detector.py
, and then run_tf_detector.py
is basically just:
import sys
from my_package.detection.tf_detector import TFDetector
def main(args=None):
args = args or sys.argv
detector = TFDetector()
if __name__ == __main__:
The GUI follows a simple pattern, with gui.py
containing the entry point to start the gui. This kind of organization keeps your functional code separate from the nuts and bolts of running as a script. It makes it easy for example to have detectors which run as a CLI script, or as part of a GUI, or as a library you can import.
Entry points are used to tell the installer "this is a thing that you run or a plugin". Some more info.