[PlayerCode] | [Name] | [Age] | [Club]
142 | Messi | 34 | PSG
333 | Ronaldo | 36 | Manchester United
532 | Pique | 34 | FC Barcelona
[PlayerCode] | [Key] | [Value]
142 | Name | Messi
142 | Age | 34
142 | Club | PSG
333 | Name | Ronaldo
333 | Age | 36
333 | Club | Manchester United
532 | Name | Pique
532 | Age | 34
532 | Club | FC Barcelona
I want to convert the first table to the second key/value table by using SQL Server. I assume that the 'unpivot' function will be used to do the conversion, but I don't know how..
Does anyone know how to do this?
Two quick options.
More Performant (and offers a bit more flexibility)
Select A.[PlayerCode]
From YourTable A
Cross Apply ( values ('Name',[Name])
,('Age' ,concat('',[Age]))
) B([Key],[Value])
More Dynamic (any number of columns)
Select A.[PlayerCode]
From YourTable A
Cross Apply OpenJSON( (Select A.* For JSON Path,Without_Array_Wrapper ) ) B
Where [key] not in ('PlayerCode')
Note that we just need to exclude [PlayerCode]
and there is no need for conversion of datatypes. Also NULL values will be excluded.