How to replace auto keyword from the function parameter when there will be multiple type arguments called with this function? because I want to use -std=c++11
and I am getting this error in omnet++:
**error: use of auto in parameter declaration only available with -std=c++14 or -std=gnu++14**
void get_index(auto s_arra[], auto elem) {
void main() {
get_index(float array1, float var1);
get_index(int array2, int var2);
void get_index(auto s_arra[], auto elem) {
Would be valid only in C++20 (gcc error message is misleading)
previously, you use template the verbose way
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void get_index(T1 s_arra[], T2 elem) {
and probably they use same type, so
template <typename T>
void get_index(T s_arra[], T elem) {