Let G=(V,E) be a directed graph. Let s in V be a vertex. Let k in V be some vertex such that k≠s. Given a path p, define its cost to be the number of edges in p. However, if a path passes through vertex k, then each edge used after vertex k has been visited counts as 5.
For every v in V, denote by c(s,v) the cost of the cheapest path from s to v. Suggest an efficient algorithm for computing, for every v in V, the value c(s,v).
I also can't use Dijkstra's algorithm.
My initial thought was to use Single-Source Shortest Path algorithm.
Here is my attempt:
I think I can do better than this, becuase in the worst case, we will have |V|/2 paths, so the time complexity can be O(n^2).
I'd like to hear some suggestion to improve the task.
Thanks a lot!
There can only be 2 types of paths - those that go through k and those that don`t:
s --> ... --> v
s --> ... --> k --> ... --> v
Now to find paths of first kind we can simply do BFS from node s
with special condition - we can't ever go anywhere if we happen to reach node k
For other paths we can split them into 2 parts, s --> ... --> k
and k --> v
, notice that first part is already known by first BFS. Now we can do BFS again, this time from node k
Now shortest path s --> v
for any v
is simply just min(type1PathCost[v], type1PathCost[k] + type2PathCost[v] * 5)