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Using NSPrintOperation from WKWebView

How to print the content of a WKWebView using printOperation(with:)?

First try

let info = NSPrintInfo.shared
let operation = printOperation(with: info)

But I get a crash with the message:

[Printing] ERROR: The NSPrintOperation view's frame was not initialized properly before knowsPageRange: returned. (WKPrintingView)

But the view property on NSPrintOperation is read only.

Second try

if instead I try to run the operation modally and disable the print panel like this:

operation.showsPrintPanel = false

guard let window = webView.window else { return }

operation.runModal(for: window, delegate: nil, didRun: nil, contextInfo: nil)

I get an alert with the message:

To print this file, you must set up a printer.

And it is true, I haven't setup a printer, but what about printing (i.e. saving) to PDF?


  • I realised you can modify the view's frame on NSPrintOperation. It has to be a CGRect/NSRect of at least 100x100, apparently it resizes itself afterwards, and the position doesn't matter at all, this is what worked for me at the end:

    let info = NSPrintInfo.shared
    let operation = webView.printOperation(with: info)
    operation.view?.frame = webView.bounds
    guard let window = webView.window else { return }
    operation.runModal(for: window, delegate: nil, didRun: nil, contextInfo: nil)