I have a data and a vector contain name of variables and i want to create new variable contain rowsum of variables in my vector, and i want the name of new variable ( sum of variables in my vector) to be concatenation of names of variables
for example i have this data
> data
Name A B C D E
r1 1 5 12 21 15
r2 2 4 7 10 9
r3 5 15 6 9 6
r4 7 8 0 7 18
and this vector
"A" , "C" , "D"
the result i want is the sum of Variables A , C and D and the name of my variable is ACD
here's the result i want :
> data
Name A B C D ACD E
r1 1 5 12 21 34 15
r2 2 4 7 10 18 9
r3 5 15 6 9 20 6
r4 7 8 0 7 14 18
I tried this :
data <- cbind(data , as.data.frame(rowSums(data[,Vec]) ))
But i don't know how to create the name
Here's the result i got
Name A B C D E rowSums(data[,Vec])
r1 1 5 12 21 15 34
r2 2 4 7 10 9 18
r3 5 15 6 9 6 20
r4 7 8 0 7 18 14
Not that i gave just a sample example to explain what i want to do
i want to do affectation of my old data to my new data ( that contains the new variable), like i did in my command above
edit 1 : in my real program , i don't know the elements ( name of my variables in my vector so i can not do data$ACD <- cbind(data , as.data.frame(rowSums(data[,Vec]) ))
as suggested by Pax, in fact i have for loop that generate my vectors and each time i create variable to put the result i want ( sum of variable in my vector) so i don't know how to affect the name without knowing the elements of vectors
Please tell me if you need anymore clarifications or informations
Thank you
It's not a one line solution but you can set the name on the subsequent line:
data <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2, 5, 7),
B = c(5, 4, 15, 8),
C = c(12, 7, 6, 0),
D = c(21, 10, 9, 7),
E = c(15, 9, 6, 18))
Vec <- c("A" , "C" , "D")
data <- cbind(data, rowSums(data[,Vec]))
# Add name
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- paste(Vec, collapse="")
# 1 1 5 12 21 15 34
# 2 2 4 7 10 9 19
# 3 5 15 6 9 6 20
# 4 7 8 0 7 18 14