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JQuery selected option for Dropdown is not working properly

I have a dropdown with two options public and private. I am fetching data from database using ajax and showing in the form fields. So I have written script in JQuery to set the value to be selected. But it working properly only twice, like only once for public and first time for private.

Here is my code


<select name="insurance" class="form-select" id="insurance" required>
   <option value="">--Select--</option>
   <?php $insurance = App::make("App\Http\Controllers\AppointmentsController")->getInsurance(); ?>
    @foreach($insurance as $ins)  
       <option value="{{ $ins->id }}">{{ $ins->insurance }}</option>


if(data['insurance'] != ''){  
   console.log(data['insurance']);     // showing correct value
   $('#insurance > option[value="'+data["insurance"]+'"]').attr('selected',true);

Here data['insurance'] is my result array value from ajax.

  1. First I fetch data with insurance private - working fine
  2. Then fetch row with insurance public - working fine
  3. Again fetch data with private - not working (showing the last status only)

If try to fetch records with any value - not working.

Only first two times, it is working properly


  • You should also remove the attribute selected of the other option via jquery.

    As I see in the first occasion gets selected, then since both of the are selected the first one will stay selected in the form.

    Try something like this:

    if(data['insurance'] != ''){  
       if(data['insurance'] == 'public'){
         $('#insurance > option[value="private"]').removeAttr('selected');
         $('#insurance > option[value="public"]').attr('selected', true);
         $('#insurance > option[value="public"]').removeAttr('selected');
         $('#insurance > option[value="private"]').attr('selected', true);