I'm currently working on a batch file, which runs several commands, reads values from text files, etc. The problem I'm facing is that I cannot set variables properly.
The following code snippet demonstrates my problem:
>> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\test.log 2>&1 (
echo ### Fetching language...
powershell -c "(Get-UICulture).Parent.Name" > lang.txt
set /p LANG=<lang.txt
echo Your language = %LANG%
### Fetching language...
Your language =
If remove the line >> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\test.log 2>&1
everything works fine, but the output is not written to a file.
What do I miss here?
Thank you so far!
Your %LANG%-Var is evaluated when the interpreter sees the opening bracket in your first line. This can be disabled this way:
>> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\test.log 2>&1 (
echo ### Fetching language...
powershell -c "(Get-UICulture).Parent.Name" > lang.txt
set /p LANG=<lang.txt
echo Your language = !LANG!