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How to set the type for the state object in pinia?

I'm making a chess game and I am using Vue 3 and TypeScript with Pinia for the state management.

I want to do something like the following:

export const useStore = defineStore("game", {
  state: () => {
    return {
      moves: [],
      gameBoard:  getInitialBoard(),
      playerTurn: PieceColor.White,
      previousPieceSelected: undefined
    updatePreviousPieceSelected(piece: Piece | undefined ) {
      this.previousPieceSelected = piece


setup() {
    const store = useStore()
    const previousPieceSelected: Piece | undefined = store.previousPieceSelected;
    let playerTurn: PieceColor = store.playerTurn;

    const initialGameState: GameState = {
      boardState: store.gameBoard,

    const updateGameState = (
      cellRow: number,
      cellCol: number,
      currentPiece: Piece
    ) => {
      if (
        previousPieceSelected === undefined ||
        previousPieceSelected.pieceType === PieceType.None
      ) {
      if (
        (previousPieceSelected !== currentPiece && (currentPiece.pieceType === PieceType.None || currentPiece.color !== previousPieceSelected.color)) 
      ) {
        MovePiece(store.gameBoard, previousPieceSelected, {row: cellRow, col: cellCol} as Position)

However, I get that an error on the following line:


That currentPiece (of type Piece) is not assignable to type undefined. I found a hack to get this to work by doing the following in my store:

export const useStore = defineStore("game", {
  state: () => {
    return {
      moves: [],
      gameBoard:  getInitialBoard(),
      playerTurn: PieceColor.White,
      previousPieceSelected: getInitialPreviousPieceSelected()
  actions: {
    changePlayer() {
      this.playerTurn =
          this.playerTurn === PieceColor.White
            ? PieceColor.Black
            : PieceColor.White;
    updatePreviousPieceSelected(piece: Piece | undefined ) {
      this.previousPieceSelected = piece

function getInitialPreviousPieceSelected(): Piece | undefined {
  return undefined;

But it feels kluge. Is there another way to type previousPieceSelected in the initial state return?


  • The type of this.previousPieceSelected is inferred from the initial state, and it's currently initialized to undefined, so it thus has a type of undefined (meaning it can only be assigned a value of undefined).

    1. Use type assertion on the initial undefined value (i.e., the as keyword plus the desired type of Piece | undefined).

    2. Also note that optional parameters can be specified with ?: instead of | undefined. This is just a simpler way of writing it.

    export const useStore = defineStore("game", {
      state: () => {
        return {
          moves: [],
          previousPieceSelected: undefined as Piece | undefined, 1️⃣
      actions: {                          2️⃣
        updatePreviousPieceSelected(piece ?: Piece) {
          this.previousPieceSelected = piece