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skimage KeyError: 'axis_major_length'

I want to measure the properties of my binary segmented image. Next to area i want to measure axis_major_length and axis_minor_length.

While creating my DataFrame a KeyError is thrown. This is the code:

label_image = measure.label(image > threshold, connectivity=image.ndim)
props = measure.regionprops_table(label_image, image, properties=['area', 'axis_major_length'])

df = pd.DataFrame(props)

This is the error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-9c2383d91b51> in <module>()
     42 label_image = measure.label(image > threshold, connectivity=image.ndim)
     43 image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image)
---> 44 props = measure.regionprops_table(label_image, image, properties=['area', 'axis_major_length'])
     46 df = pd.DataFrame(props)

1 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/skimage/measure/ in _props_to_dict(regions, properties, separator)
    500     n = len(regions)
    501     for prop in properties:
--> 502         dtype = COL_DTYPES[prop]
    503         column_buffer = np.zeros(n, dtype=dtype)
    504         r = regions[0][prop]

KeyError: 'axis_major_length'

In the image there should be only one segmented element, however there is another element segmented with an area of 2 pixels (output of print(df.area)):

0       2
1    2789

In my understanding this error occurs at the first element (because it is too small to get a major length?). For Area measurement i filter out all elements smaller than 25 pixels with following line: df = df[df['area'] > 25] but i can do this operation only after the error occurs.

How can i filter out small elements while measuring those properties?


  • The problem is that you are looking at the development version of the docs, where major_axis_length has been renamed to axis_major_length. This will change in 0.19. But in the latest released version of scikit-image (0.18), it is still called major_axis_length, so that is what you should use:

    Note the "stable" in the URL. Unfortunately Google often returns the development docs instead of the stable version, but if you access the docs from, it should take you to the latest released version.

    Also note that the old names will continue to work, so you should use them without fear that they will break shortly.