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How to get block data in Bukkit API?

I had a block with this data:


How do I get this data from plugin?


  • You should use NMS (net.minecraft.server) to get an NBT Tag.

    Here is an example with 1.8.8 (v1_8_R3, tested with it), but just with your import this should works :

    Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
    Location w = block.getLocation();
    CraftWorld cw = (CraftWorld) w.getWorld(); // CraftWorld is NMS one
    // For 1.8 to 1.12 :
    TileEntity te = cw.getTileEntityAt(w.getBlockX(), w.getBlockY(), w.getBlockZ());
    // for 1.13+ (we have use WorldServer)
    TileEntity te = cw.getHandle().getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(w.getBlockX(), w.getBlockY(), w.getBlockZ()));
    try {
        PacketPlayOutTileEntityData packet = ((PacketPlayOutTileEntityData) te.getUpdatePacket()); // get update packet from NMS object
        // here we should use reflection because "c" field isn't accessible
        Field f = packet.getClass().getDeclaredField("c"); // get field
        f.setAccessible(true); // make it available
        NBTTagCompound nbtTag = (NBTTagCompound) f.get(packet);
        plugin.getLogger().info(nbtTag.toString()); // this will show what you want
    } catch (Exception exc) {

    The field name see to don't change accross version (always c).
