How I can remove double whitespace on place where I inserting ascii escape characters. Everything work as I want to but only problem is that double white space in place where I am using escape characters.
class Print():
def __init__(self, type, content, bold=False, emphasis=False, underline=False, timestamp=True):
# Set color of the string
if type == "info":
self.start = "\033[0m"
elif type == "error":
self.start = "\033[91m"
elif type == "success":
self.start = "\033[92m"
elif type == "warning":
self.start = "\033[93m"
# Format style of the string
if bold:
self.start += "\033[1m"
if emphasis:
self.start += "\033[3m"
if underline:
self.start += "\033[4m"
# Check for name and format it
string = content.split(" ")
formated_string = []
for word in string:
if word.startswith("["):
if word.endswith("]"):
self.content = " ".join(formated_string)
# Set color and format to default values
self.end = "\033[0m"
# Get current date and time
stamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": "
print(f"{self.start}{stamp if timestamp == True else ''}{self.content}{self.end}")
this is call when I import my Debug
module to my code:
Debug.Print("info", "this is test [string] as example to [my] problem")
and this is result:
2021-11-03 20:16:09: this is test [string] as example to [my] problem
you can notice double white space infront and after square brackets. Color formating is not visible
The problem is, that you append the color values as extra elements so it adds 2 spaces because the color values are invisible values but also concat by spaces. (You can print your formated_string
to see all values where spaces are added).
You can change your code to the folloowing to fix it:
class Print():
def __init__(self, type, content, bold=False, emphasis=False, underline=False, timestamp=True):
# Set color of the string
if type == "info":
self.start = "\033[0m"
elif type == "error":
self.start = "\033[91m"
elif type == "success":
self.start = "\033[92m"
elif type == "warning":
self.start = "\033[93m"
# Format style of the string
if bold:
self.start += "\033[1m"
if emphasis:
self.start += "\033[3m"
if underline:
self.start += "\033[4m"
self.end = "\033[0m"
# Check for name and format it
string = content.split(" ")
formated_string = []
for word in string:
if word.startswith("["):
word = f"\033[96m{word}"
if word.endswith("]"):
word = f"{word}{self.end}"
self.content = " ".join(formated_string)
# Set color and format to default values
self.end = "\033[0m"
# Get current date and time
stamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": "
print(f"{self.start}{stamp if timestamp == True else ''}{self.content}{self.end}")