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Removing double whitespace in python when inserting ascii escape characters

How I can remove double whitespace on place where I inserting ascii escape characters. Everything work as I want to but only problem is that double white space in place where I am using escape characters.

class Print(): 
    def  __init__(self, type, content, bold=False, emphasis=False, underline=False, timestamp=True):
        # Set color of the string
        if type == "info":
            self.start = "\033[0m"
        elif type == "error":
            self.start = "\033[91m"
        elif type == "success": 
            self.start = "\033[92m"
        elif type == "warning":
            self.start = "\033[93m"

        # Format style of the string
        if bold:
            self.start += "\033[1m"        
        if emphasis:
            self.start += "\033[3m"
        if underline:
            self.start += "\033[4m"

        # Check for name and format it
        string = content.split(" ")
        formated_string = []
        for word in string:
            if word.startswith("["):
            if word.endswith("]"):

        self.content = " ".join(formated_string)

        # Set color and format to default values
        self.end = "\033[0m"

        # Get current date and time
        stamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": "

        print(f"{self.start}{stamp if timestamp == True else ''}{self.content}{self.end}")

this is call when I import my Debug module to my code:

Debug.Print("info", "this is test [string] as example to [my] problem")

and this is result:

2021-11-03 20:16:09: this is test  [string]  as example to  [my]  problem

you can notice double white space infront and after square brackets. Color formating is not visible


  • The problem is, that you append the color values as extra elements so it adds 2 spaces because the color values are invisible values but also concat by spaces. (You can print your formated_string to see all values where spaces are added). You can change your code to the folloowing to fix it:

    class Print():
        def __init__(self, type, content, bold=False, emphasis=False, underline=False, timestamp=True):
            # Set color of the string
            if type == "info":
                self.start = "\033[0m"
            elif type == "error":
                self.start = "\033[91m"
            elif type == "success":
                self.start = "\033[92m"
            elif type == "warning":
                self.start = "\033[93m"
            # Format style of the string
            if bold:
                self.start += "\033[1m"
            if emphasis:
                self.start += "\033[3m"
            if underline:
                self.start += "\033[4m"
            self.end = "\033[0m"
            # Check for name and format it
            string = content.split(" ")
            formated_string = []
            for word in string:
                if word.startswith("["):
                    word = f"\033[96m{word}"
                if word.endswith("]"):
                    word = f"{word}{self.end}"
            self.content = " ".join(formated_string)
            # Set color and format to default values
            self.end = "\033[0m"
            # Get current date and time
            stamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": "
            print(f"{self.start}{stamp if timestamp == True else ''}{self.content}{self.end}")