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Configure a syslog server through Ansible Playbook

I'm a student System and Network administrator and I have to install a syslog server on a linux virtual machine. In my playbook I configured that some of the config lines that are commented, should be "uncommented" (aka from #example to example). My code should work but for some reason it doesn't. It doesn't give an error when I run it, but it doesn't change anything.. Here is my playbook with 3 different options I have tried.

    - name: Configure syslog server
      hosts: servers
      become: true
      - name: Install rsyslog
          name: rsyslog
          state: present
      - name: Start service rsyslog, if not started
          name: rsyslog
          state: started
      - name: Enable service rsyslog to start on boot
          name: rsyslog
          enabled: yes

This part works. Now I have to change these lines in the /etc/rsyslog.conf file:

#input(type=”imudp” port=”514”)
#input(type=”imtcp” port=”514”)

Here are the 3 options I have tried:

    ### Option 1 ###
      - name: Swap/ edit lines in config
          dest: /etc/rsyslog.conf
          line: 'module(load="imudp")' #new text
          regexp: '#module(load="imudp")' #old text
          state: present
          create: true
    ### Option 2 ###
      - name: delete comment out lines in config
          dest: /etc/rsyslog.conf
          regexp: '^#\s*{{ item.regexp }}(.*)$'
          replace: '{{ item.replace }}'
            - regexp: '^#(.*module(load="imudp").*)'
              replace: '\1'
            - regexp: '^#(.*input(type="imudp" port="514").*)'
              replace: '\1'
            - regexp: '^#(.*module(load="imtcp").*)'
              replace: '\1'
            - regexp: '^#(.*input(type="imtcp" port="514").*)'
              replace: '\1'
    ### Option 3 ###
      - name: delete comment out lines in config
          dest: /etc/rsyslog.conf
          regexp: '^#(.*module(load="imudp").*)'
          replace: 'module(load="imudp")'

So for this it says everything is OK but nothing changes. The next part works fine.

      - name: Restart service rsyslog
          name: rsyslog
          state: restarted

Does someone know what is wrong with my code? Thank you so much already!

The output is the same for all 3 options:

    jess@jess-client1:~$ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini syslog.yaml --ask-become-pass
    BECOME password: 
    PLAY [Configure syslog server] **********************************************************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [naserver]
    TASK [Install rsyslog] ******************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [naserver]
    TASK [Start service rsyslog, if not started] ********************************************************************************************************
    ok: [naserver]
    TASK [Enable service rsyslog to start on boot] ******************************************************************************************************
    ok: [naserver]
    TASK [delete comment out lines in config] ***********************************************************************************************************
    ok: [naserver]
    TASK [Restart service rsyslog] **********************************************************************************************************************
    changed: [naserver]
    PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************
    naserver                   : ok=6    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   


  • you have parenthesis in your regex, its special char in regex so you have to escape it:

      - name: Swap/ edit lines in config
          dest: logs/testfile.log
          line: 'module(load="imudp")' #new text
          regexp: '#module\(load="imudp"\)' #old text
          state: present
          create: true

    or use the special char .

      regexp: '#module.load="imudp".' #old text