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Create Splunk Chart/Table with start and end logs to check Success/Failures

I have logs in splunk that capture information related to which file was part of the execution (Different execution captures the same log with different file name) as below

Processing file : test_1.txt
Processing file : test_2.txt
Processing file : test_3.txt

Another log that captures info related to if the execution succeeded

Processed file successfully : test_1.txt 

I want to make a splunk table or chart as below.

Date File Name Success Failure
2021-01-01 test_1.txt Yes No
2021-01-02 test_2.txt No Yes
2021-01-03 test_3.txt No Yes

Later, when re-processing the failed tasks/files, if they are successful and we have a success log for those files, the above table should be updated with a new date (See text_3.txt file date and Success/Failure updated in below table)

Date File Name Success Failure
2021-01-01 test_1.txt Yes No
2021-01-02 test_2.txt No Yes
2021-01-04 test_3.txt Yes No

Is this possible in Splunk?


  • Yes, it is possible. See if this helps. Explanation is embedded in the code. I'm assuming no fields are extracted currently.

    | makeresults 
    | eval data="Processing file : test_1.txt;Processing file : test_2.txt;Processing file : test_3.txt;Processed file successfully : test_1.txt"
    | eval data=split(data,";")
    | mvexpand data
    | eval _raw=data
    ```Above just sets up test data```
    ```Extract the file name```
    | rex ": (?<filename>\S+)"
    ```Set Success to "Yes" if the event is a "Processed file" event.  Set Failure to the inverse.```
    | eval Success=if(searchmatch("Processed file"),"Yes","No")
    | eval Failure=if(Success=="Yes","No","Yes")
    ```Round off times to the start of the day```
    | bin span=1d _time
    ```Group events by time and file name```
    | stats last(Success) as Success, last(Failure) as Failure by _time filename
    | rename filename as "File Name", _time as Date
    | table Date "File Name" Success Failure
    ```Display the Date field in the specified format```
    | fieldformat Date=strftime(Date, "%Y-%m-%d")