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MYSQL JSON ordering by values

I am using a JSON type to store some data in a table, and I'm having some trouble ordering said data while I'm fetching it.

Example Data:


The json here is being ordered by it's key while its stored which is fine, but when I try to fetch it with say "SELECT json -> '$.*' FROM table" it keeps the same order.

output: ('[1, 6, 3, 1]',)

I've tried some funky stuff like:

"SELECT json -> '$.*' FROM table ORDER BY CAST(json -> '$.*' AS UNSIGNED) ASC"

But the output is still the same.

I'm hoping to be able to get an output something like:

["870013663581437952":6, "903739315782320168":3, "574161434674462720":1, "913739315950071829":1]

or something along those lines.


  • If you want to sort the values in JSON array then you must parse the array to single elements then reconstruct it with needed ordering.

    SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(jsontable.value) OVER (ORDER BY jsontable.value) sorted
    FROM test
    CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE(test.jsondata -> '$.*',
                          '$[*]' COLUMNS (value INT PATH '$')) jsontable
    ORDER BY sorted DESC LIMIT 1