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I can't set up Heroku ClearDB because lack of "establish a payment history"?

I'm trying to add some services on Heroku, but it is failing because I don't have an "established payment history". We do have a credit card set up, but apparently that is not enough?

The heroku docs, as far as I can tell never define what is required to establish a payment history. I went ahead and created a paid dyno yesterday to see if that would do it, but that still hasn't done the trick.

Do I have to wait a month until Heroku bills me?

Apparently I'm not the only confused person: Heroku - why can't I provision higher tier ClearDB (verification problem?)?

So they're refusing my money because I haven't paid them money before? I don't understand...

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I had to contact Heroku support. They said in a support ticket what they don't say on their documentation. Basically you have to have paid some money, and that can be through previous services, or through a prepayment:

    This is what they said:

    Currently an established payment history with Heroku would consist of $30 or more in total spend across any 3 of the previous 6 months. In this case we would be able to perform a prepayment; which once completed would allow your account to access these new resources without having had $30 or more in spend from previous months.
    I am happy to set up this prepayment for you so you can set up this addon. I would just need the following:
    AMOUNT: Total amount of pre-payment in USD.
    LAST MONTH: Last month that the pre-payment should be applied to (include year, can be estimated).
    ACCOUNT: Team name or personal account email.
    CARD: Last four digits of card