I have an array with random colors. There are duplicate elements. For example:
mass = ['white','black','white'...]
I need to count them so I've decided to use Counter:
mass_count = Counter(mass)
print (mass_count)
I want to display each element of the dictionary on a new line. I've used that code:
keys = [k for k in mass_count]
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
print("\n" + str(list(mass_count.keys())[i]) + ": " + str(mass_count[keys[i]]))
Everything as I want except one thing: There are all elements displaying from max to min on my first result but this order is violated on the second result. So I want:
White: 22
Black: 14
Sky blue: 6
How can I achieve it? Thank you.
you can use Counter.most_common()
for color, value in mass_count.most_common():
print(f"{color}: {value}")