The OPC Publisher marketplace image runs successfully as a standalone container (albeit with server connection problems). But I am not able to deploy it as an edge module, especially after changing container create options.
Background: In my host laptop I was never able to get the module up so I created a Ubuntu VM. When I tried to deploy the edge module in the VM with default container create options the module did show up in the iotedge module list as "running". I wanted to set the "--op" option to set publishing rate so I changed it in the create options using the portal "Set modules" tab. Since there is no update button I used create button to "recreate" the modules. After this the module did not show up.
After that the OPC publisher module is not showing up on the edge VM. I am following the Microsoft tutorial.
Following is the command:
sudo docker run -v /iiotedge:/appdata --aa --pf=/appdata/publishednodes.json --c="HostName=<iot hub name>;DeviceId=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=<hub primary key>" --dc="HostName=<edge device id/name>;DeviceId=<edge device id/name>;SharedAccessKey=<edge primary key>" --op=10000
Container create options:
"Hostname": "opcpublisher",
"Cmd": [
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": [
I have not specified the connection strings explicitly since the documentation from Microsoft assures that the runtime will pass them automatically.
The relevant iotedge journalctl logs are here.
Oct 06 19:36:05 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:05Z [INFO] - Pulling image
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Successfully pulled image
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Creating module OPCPublisher...
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Starting new listener for module OPCPublisher
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [ERR!] - Internal server error: Could not create module OPCPublisher
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: caused by: Could not get module OPCPublisher
The logs from iotedge itself is not much useful. Find below anyway.
~$ iotedge logs OPCPublisher
A module runtime error occurred
I have also tried docker container prune just to be sure but it did not help.
Also strangely in the Azure portal when I try to restart the module from the troubleshoot page it throws an error "module not found in the current environment"
Can someone please help me out in troubleshooting this problem? I will be glad to share more details if required.
I raised a support query in Azure portal. After sending support bundles and trying various suggestions like removing DNS configuration, changing bind path to a non-sudo location etc. the team zeroed in on the edge version mismatch.
After re-reading the documentation I uninstalled the earlier iotedge package and installed aziot-edge instead and problem solved!
The team has raised a github issue for public tracking here:
@asergaz also pointed to the right direction but did not notice since it came a bit later