Search code examples

Android development Room SQL query

I want to add an item into a table,but if the item already exists in the table,i wanna modify a column,this is my Dao

interface BasketDao {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    suspend fun upsert(item: BasketItem)

    suspend fun delete(item: BasketItem)

    @Query("SELECT * FROM basket_items")
    fun loadBasketItems(): LiveData<List<BasketItem>>

I already have a conflict strategy for the upsert function,to replace the item if it exists,but i want to only modify the value of a column if the item exists,not replace the entire item,what can i do


  • You can do this using two database calls (one to query existing item and second to insert/replace the item).

    In Dao:

    @Query("SELECT * FROM basket_items WHERE name = :name")
    suspend fun getItemByName(name: String): BasketItem?

    Then in you data layer:

    val newItemToSave = //
    val existingItem = basketDao.getItemByName(
    if(existingItem == null)
        basketDao.upsert(existingItem.copy(quantity = existingItem.quantity + 1)