which is the correct APoc procedure to Trigger an ID and Increment it +1 every time I call a create?
Assuming User has an ID - my idea is to increment using ID and not UUID.
CALL apoc.trigger.add('create-event-gen-id',"UNWIND {createdNodes} AS e
MATCH (n:User)
set e.ID=e.ID + 1", {phase:'after'});
Do you think this one is correct?
thank you.
This was how I solved My trigger.
CALL apoc.trigger.add('triggeredID',
"UNWIND $createdNodes AS e MATCH(n:User)
with e, MAX(n.ID) as maxId
Set e.ID = maxId + 1", {phase:'before'})
please note that you have to make a Match after in order to get back the ID.