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How to download HTTP directory with all files and sub-directories as they appear on the online files/folders list using golang?

Currently I am downloading files using below function and I wanted to download folders as well from the URL

Any help would be appreciated

 package main
        import (
        func main() {
            fileUrl := ""
            err := DownloadFile("./example.txt", fileUrl)
            if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Downloaded: " + fileUrl)
        // DownloadFile will download a url to a local file.
        func DownloadFile(filepath string, url string) error {
            // Get the data
            resp, err := http.Get(url)
            contentType = resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")  
            if err != nil {
                return err
            defer resp.Body.Close()
    if contentType == "application/octet-stream" {
            // Create the file
            out, err := os.Create(filepath)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            defer out.Close()
            // Write the body to file
            _, err = io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
            return err
        fmt.Println("Requested URL is not downloadable")

I have referred below link : How to download HTTP directory with all files and sub-directories as they appear on the online files/folders list?

but I wanted it in golang


  • Here you can find the algorithm for the wget --recursive implementation:

    Basically, you access the page and then parse the HTML and follow each href link (and css link if necessary), which can be extracted like this:

    Once you have all the links just do a request on them and based on the Content-Type header you save it if it is not text/html or parse it for links if it is.