This formula works on a per-row basis:
=(IF(today()-D2 > 365,text(D2:D,"mmm yyyy"),text(D2:D,"mmm d")))
But if I make it an ARRAYFORMUAL like below it always returns text(D2:D,"mmm yyyy") even when today()-D2 > 365 is False.
=arrayformula(IF(LEN(D2:D) = 0, "", (IF(today()-D2 > 365,text(D2:D,"mmm yyyy"),text(D2:D,"mmm d")))))
See screenshot below. Column D is the source date. Column F is the ARRAYFORMULA. Column G is the standard formula (hard-coded per row vs ARRAYFORMULA).
I want the ARRAYFORMUAL in column F to replicate the result in column G.
TEXT(D2:D, "mmm yyyy"), TEXT(D2:D, "mmm d")), ))