I have the column with a combination of text and number - T-00001. I would like to have the formula to get T-00002, T-00003, and so on. I tried to use CONCATENATE("T-",RIGHT("T-00001",5)+1) but I get T-2, without 4 nulls. Is it possible to receive it in the correct format?
if you want to drag it use:
=TEXT(ROW(A1), "T-00000")
if not, use:
=INDEX(IF(A2:A="",,TEXT(ROW(A1:A), "T-00000")))
if you plan empty rows use:
=INDEX(IF(A2:A="",,TEXT(COUNTIFS(A2:A, "<>", ROW(A2:A), "<="&ROW(A2:A)), "T-00000")))
for fixed range:
=INDEX(TEXT(SEQUENCE(20), "T-00000"))
to increment ony with each unique:
SEQUENCE(COUNTUNIQUE(A2:A))}, 2, 0), "T-00000")))