Can gcc spit out, given a C file, a list of the all function calls that occur, with filename and line number both for the call itself and for the function's declaration?
I know gcc somehow retains this information with -g (debuggers rely on it) and that it can dump control flow graphs with -dr (but without filenames or line numbers); but is there a ready-to-use tool that takes gcc output and does what I want?
The reason I want such a tool to use gcc is that this will allow me to use it with the standard build system most gcc-based software comes with (e.g. ./configure && make) even in cases where tools that rely on their own preprocessor and/or parser are a major hassle to fit in. I'm already aware of several such tools, e.g. ctags. So this question is a followup to question 525899.
Try gcc option -fdump-tree-fixupcfg-lineno
It will "pretty print" parsing AST (with line numbers) in a way that can easily be parsed using relatively simple lexer or any regex engine. Just find all non-keywords preceded by '=' and followed by '(' - it will be function calls.
All complex expressions will be split into several lines so no two function calls will appear on one line.
Take simple program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI (3.1415926536)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double angle = PI / 2.0;
printf("Sine = %lf, cosine = %lf\n", sin(angle), cos(angle));
Compile it with -fdump-tree-fixupcfg-lineno
and you get something like this:
main (argc, argv)
double angle;
int D.3381;
double D.3380;
double D.3379;
# BLOCK 2, starting at line 8
# PRED: ENTRY (fallthru)
[test.c : 8] angle = 1.57079632680000003119857865385711193084716796875e+0;
[test.c : 9] D.3379 = [test.c : 9] cos (angle);
[test.c : 9] D.3380 = [test.c : 9] sin (angle);
[test.c : 9] printf (&"Sine = %lf, cosine = %lf\n"[0], D.3380, D.3379);
[test.c : 10] D.3381 = 0;
return D.3381;
You won't get any complex expressions - just assignments and function call and no CPP macros, very easy to parse. Loops and conditionals don't make it much more difficult.