Search code examples

A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column

I get this error when writing to the database:

A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column. Column: 'PaymentId'.

public bool PayForItem(int terminalId, double paymentAmount, 
      eNums.MasterCategoryEnum  mastercategoryEnum, int CategoryId, int CategoryItemId)

        using (var dbEntities = new DatabaseAccess.Schema.EntityModel())
            int pinnumber = 0;
            long pinid = 1; //getPinId(terminalId,ref pinnumber) ;
            var payment = new DatabaseAccess.Schema.Payment();
            payment.CategoryId = CategoryId;
            payment.ItemCategoryId = CategoryItemId;
            payment.PaymentAmount = (decimal)paymentAmount;
            payment.TerminalId = terminalId;
            payment.PinId = pinid;

            payment.HSBCResponseCode = "";
            payment.DateActivated = DateTime.Now;
            payment.PaymentString = "Payment";
            payment.PromotionalOfferId = 1;
            payment.PaymentStatusId = (int)eNums.PaymentStatus.Paid;

            //payment.PaymentId = 1;

        return true;

The schema is:

enter image description here


  • Is it possible that you defined a bad column relation between your tables?

    In my case, I had different columns and one was set as autonumeric.