I have a role Jitsi. I want to copy file logo.png
from folder logo
, also js.name.com.crt and js.name.com.key to remote host
/etc/ansible/roles/Jitsi/files# tree
├── logo
│ └── logo.png
└── ssl
├── js.name.com.crt
└── js.name.com.key
I have a task for logo:
- name: Copy files logo.png
src: /etc/ansible/roles/Jitsi/files/logo/logo.png
dest: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/watermark.png
remote_src: true
And task for ssl:
- name: Copy cert file js.name.com.crt
src: /etc/ansible/roles/Jitsi/files/ssl/js.name.com.crt
dest: /etc/ssl/js.name.com.crt
remote_src: true
- name: Copy key file js.name.com.key
src: /etc/ansible/roles/Jitsi/files/ssl/js.name.com.key
dest: /etc/ssl/js.name.com.key
remote_src: true
But when I execute my playbook, I get error:
TASK [Copy cert file js.name.com.crt] ***************************************************************************************
fatal: [jitsi]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /etc/ansible/roles/Jitsi/files/ssl/js.name.com.crt not found"}
P.S. Maybe I can use some variables for this?
The copy module copies a file from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine. local or remote depends of value of parameter remote_src
if no, it will search for src on the controller node.
If yes it will search for src on the managed (remote) node.
so following the name of your file defined in the src parameter, i suppose your file is on controller node (localhost), so i suggest you to set no the remote_src