I have a backup query like this:
BACKUP DATABASE @temp_baza TO DISK = @temp_bak
BACKUP LOG @temp_baza TO DISK = @temp_log
It is run by sqlcmd like this:
sqlcmd -l 120 -S %SQL_SERVER% -i %KOPIA_KATALOG%backupPELNY.sql
In output_PELNY.txt
I have this kind of results:
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 645127 pages in 2819.651 seconds (**1.787 MB/sec**).
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 26338 pages in 227.348 seconds (**0.905 MB/sec**).
Main DB is on one Disc, backup is on second disk.
When I use Explorer to copy files between these two disks, I get a transfer speed of approximately 100 MB/s.
Why is the backup speed so slow - I mean less than 3MB/s?
To solve your problem, please refer to the following links:
Below are some sample queries for download
To solve the problem, I suggest that the following part of the query:
backup database DBNAME to disk='C:\1\DBNAME.bak' with buffercount=16 ,maxtransfersize=4194304