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What is causing Error: .eslintrc.js: Environment key "vue/setup-compiler-macros" is unknown

I am developing a sample app using Vue 3 and Typescript. Specifically, I am using the new Vue v3.2 setup option in the section of the Vue SFC. Vue docs advise me to add "vue/setup-compiler-macros" to the env secyion of the eslintrc.js file which was working. But I am now getting an error

Syntax Error: Error: .eslintrc.js:
        Environment key "vue/setup-compiler-macros" is unknown
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

for a while this seemed to disappear if I restarted VS Code (not a great workaround, I admit), but now even this does not work. The error occurs when I save a file and the project is compiled. I appear to be using VS Code extension - ESLint v2.2.2.


  module.exports = {
  root: true,
  env: {
    'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true,
    node: true,
  extends: [
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 2020,
  rules: {
    'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
    'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • I had the same problem, solved by config

      globals: {
        defineProps: "readonly",
        defineEmits: "readonly"

    the offical guide is here, I dont't know the 'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true, why not work