Please look at this webpage (WordPress).
Towards the top is a summary block which is built from the heading elements on the page.
Towards the bottom are three downloads. Is it possible to have the three headings "Cut-Tools for ..." and have them invisible? My conundrum is that I need those heading elements so that they show as links in the summary but I don't want anything visible.
Am I asking too much of the system?
You could use CSS to selectively hide the element without removing them from the page. From the WordPress Admin, nagivate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
and add a new CSS class:
Remember to click "Publish" so the new CSS is saved.
Next, open the Page/Post Editor and select the block of the element you want to "hide" and add the new CSS class and save:
The CSS in this case only applies to the front end so the block/content will still be visible in the Editor so you can edit it, but hidden on the front end. This is just a general example and you could make the css more specific to hide elements that are/are not children of other elements etc.