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I can't commit after push

I can't commit after pushing repo to github. What i'm basically trying to do is to clone some code from one github repository, do some changes and push the code to another github repository. I make some local repo, cloned the code, pushed the code to another GH remote repository and it all worked out fine, now when i'm making some changes on my local repo and i'm trying to 'add .' then 'commit -m' i'm getting this message.

enter image description here


After 'git add -A':

enter image description here

Any thoughts?


  • You have a submodule.

    Specifically, your output includes the following (which I had to retype, so this might have typos—try not to use screenshots if plain-text will do; this avoids manual-copy-paste errors):

    Changes not staged for commit:
        modified:  FakeApiReqresTest (modified content)

    The parenthetical phrase (modified content) is what tells us that FakeApiReqresTest is not a file.

    The submodule in question is another Git repository. This other Git repository has a modified working tree, i.e., what's in its working tree is not committed yet. The superproject repository can only record the hash ID of one specific commit in the submodule Git repository per superproject commit. The git add command, run in the superproject, will put the correct commit hash ID into the superproject Git index / staging-area, based on the commit that is currently checked out within the submodule. (Is that confusing? It is to me 😀 even though I wrote it.)

    What this boils down to is the fact that you must first:

    • enter the submodule;
    • view or inspect the files or changes you've made here;
    • decide whether they should be added and committed, or eradicated;
    • then add-and-commit or eradicate as appropriate.

    The result is either:

    • a new commit in the submodule (which you should then git push to wherever it goes: remember when doing this that submodules normally live in "detached HEAD" state, so this git push has one extra wrinkle you must handle), or
    • a different working tree for the submodule

    or perhaps even both. If you wind up changing the submodule's working tree while doing this, it's generally wise to re-test the superproject as a whole before proceeding.

    Once you have the correct commit actually in the submodule, and the submodule's git status itself is "clean", you're now ready to git add the submodule's commit to the superproject's index / working-tree, using git add within the superproject. This may give you "changes staged for commit" by updating the gitlink in the superproject's index.

    Sample commands for achieving the desired result

    Do not copy-paste these without at least reading through and thinking about them. Which commands you should use will depend on many things.

    # enter the submodule
    cd FakeApiReqresTest
    # inspect this Git repository; add and commit
    git status
    git diff
    git add -u
    git diff --cached
    git commit
    <enter appropriate commit message>
    # send new commits upstream before using them in superproject
    git push origin HEAD:somebranch
    # update the superproject's gitlink
    cd ..
    git add FakeApiReqresTest
    # verify, commit, etc
    git status
    git submodule status
    git diff --cached
    git commit
    <enter appropriate commit message>