I have this code:
DO $$
returns table (msg varchar(500), isSuccessful BIT) as $BODY$
newID integer := null;
id integer := 100;
IF newID is NULL
then delete from table1 t1 where t1.id = id;
delete from table2 t2 where t2.id = id
returning 'test' as msg, 1 as isSuccessful;
else insert into table1(id, name)
values(id, 'testname');
END $$;
When I run this, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "returns"
I originally didn't have the returns table
line, but after some research it's my understanding that I need to establish a table for the data in the returning
line to write into.
What I want to return is the following:
msg | isSuccessful |
test | 1 |
What am I doing wrong with my returns table
line and how do I achieve the output I'm looking for? Also, do I have to create a function in order for this to work?
Example how you can insert deleted records from table sample1
into table sample2
with deleted_rows as (
delete from test.sample1 where id = 123712
returning id, first_name
insert into test.sample2 (id, first_name)
SELECT id, first_name from deleted_rows;
But, if you want to get table on this format (msg, isSuccessful) then:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test.delete_data(p_id integer)
RETURNS table (msg text, isSuccessful boolean)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
deleted_id integer;
delete from test.sample1 where id = p_id
returning id into deleted_id;
-- if this query does not delete any record, so variable "deleted_id" will be null
if (deleted_id is not null) then
return query
select 'Success Deleted', true;
return query
select 'No records deleted', false;
end if;