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How to get all solutions in CPLEX to a MIP

UPDATE: Now I get the count of solutions, but when I try to get them out, it just gives me identical schedules. I have added the code suggested by Alex below. As an example, it gives me that there is 4 different solutions, but when I write the X matrices they are identical. Can anyone help me with this? I want the four different solutions.

I am making a schedule for a Single round robin tournament. It is modelled as a MIP in CPLEX and in my solution pool there is at the moment four solutions with the same optimal objective value. I want to get each of these four solutions, so they can be printed and examined indivudally. Is that possible?

// Create Parameters:
 {string} G1 = ...; // Set of teams in first group
 {string} G2 = ...; // Set of teams in second group
 {string} Teams = G1 union G2;
 tuple Match {string team1; string team2;}
 {Match} Matches_G1 = {<t1,t2>| ordered t1,t2 in G1};
 {Match} Matches_G2 = {<t1,t2>| ordered t1,t2 in G2};
 {Match} MD1 = ...;
 {Match} MD2 = ...;
 {Match} MD3 = ...;
 {Match} M = Matches_G1 union Matches_G2; //All matches for the two groups
 {Match} matchForTeam[t in Teams] = {m| m in M : m.team1 == t || m.team2 == t}; //List of all teams
 {string} S =...; //Set of stadiums
 {string} T = ...; //Set of kick off times
 {string} D = ...; //Set of kick off days
 int K[D][S][T] = ...; //Predetermined schedule between stadium and kickoff time
 float VT[M][T] = ...; //Value of match if played on Matchday M at Time T according to TV distribution

 // Decision Variables:
 dvar int X[M][S][T] in 0..1; // if match M is played at time T
 dvar int Dist; //Object function for distribution

 //////////// OBJECTIVE FUNCTION ///////////////
 //////////// CONSTRAINTS ///////////////
subject to{ 

Dist == sum(m in M, s in S, t in T) (VT[m][t])*X[m][s][t];

 //A match can only be played one time
 forall(m in M)
    sum(s in S, t in T) X[m][s][t] == 1;
//Simultaneous Kickoff on matchday 3
 sum(s in S)X[<"A1", "A4">][s]["22.00"] == sum(s in S)X[<"A2", "A3">][s]["22.00"];
//only one match on possible kick off times at matchday 1
 forall(t in T : t != "18.00")
   sum(s in S, m in MD1) X[m][s][t]==1;
//only one match on possible kick off times at matchday 2
 forall(t in T : t != "18.00")
   sum(s in S, m in MD2) X[m][s][t]==1;
//two matches per possible kick off times at matchday 3
 forall(t in T : t in {"18.00", "22.00"})
   sum(s in S, m in MD3) X[m][s][t]==2;
//One match per stadium on matchday 1
 forall(s in S)
    sum(m in MD1, t in T: t != "18.00") X[m][s][t] == 1;
 //One match per stadium on matchday 2
 forall(s in S)
   sum(m in MD2, t in T: t != "18.00") X[m][s][t] == 1;  
 //one match per stadium on matchday 3
forall(s in S)
 sum(m in MD3, t in T: t in {"18.00", "22.00"}) X[m][s][t] == 1;    
 //Each team can play at most two matches per stadium
forall(i in Teams, s in S)
 sum(t in T, m in matchForTeam[i]) X[m][s][t] <= 2;
 //Each team can play at most two matches per kickoff time
 forall(i in Teams, t in T)
  sum(s in S, m in matchForTeam[i]) X[m][s][t] <= 2;

 forall(s in S, t in T, m in MD1)
  X[m][s][t] <= K["1"][s][t];
 forall(s in S, t in T, m in MD2)
  X[m][s][t] <= K["2"][s][t];
 forall(s in S, t in T, m in MD3)
  X[m][s][t] <= K["3"][s][t];
    writeln("schedule: ", X);
    var cd = new IloOplOutputFile("resbi2.txt");
        for(var m in M)
            for(var s in S)
                for(var t in T)
  if (cplex.populate()) {
          var nsolns = cplex.solnPoolNsolns; 
  writeln("number of solutions: ", nsolns);
  writeln("average object value: ", cplex.getSolnPoolMeanObjValue());
   for (var s=0; s<nsolns; s++) {
            var cd = new IloOplOutputFile("resAB" +s+".txt");


  • yes in scripting you can loop into all solutions from a solution pool.


        int nbKids=300;
        float costBus40=500;
        float costBus30=400;
        dvar int+ nbBus40;
        dvar int+ nbBus30;
         //costBus40*nbBus40  +nbBus30*costBus30;
        subject to
        writeln("nbBus40 = ",nbBus40," and nbBus30 = ",nbBus30," and the cost is ",costBus40*nbBus40  +nbBus30*costBus30);
         main {
            if (cplex.populate()) {
              var nsolns = cplex.solnPoolNsolns;
              writeln("Number of solutions found = ",nsolns);
              for (var s=0; s<nsolns; s++) {