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drf-spectacular not working when versioning is used (No operations defined in spec!)

Some weeks ago I installed drf-spectacular. Everything was working properly until I enabled versioning in DRF (Django Rest Framework).

I implemented AcceptHeaderVersioning and it was working correctly. But then I realized Swagger wasn't showing the endpoints at /docs/ and this message was shown: "No operations defined in spec!".

If I comment DEFAULT_VERSIONING_CLASS line in REST_FRAMEWORK settings, all endpoint are correctly shown in Swagger docs page (/docs/). However, it breaks my versioning: request.version = None.

I tested with AcceptHeaderVersioning, as well as with URLPathVersioning and NamespaceVersioning. Same result for all of them.

I read that AcceptHeaderVersioning was implemented a year ago. Link to the commit here.

But I also read that it was planned to change modify_for_versioning function and it could affect header versioning. Link to the function in plumbing module, here and conversation here. In fact, a lot of changes have been made to the module the last year, check here.

These are my DRF settings:

    # Auth

    # Swagger/docs
    'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema',

    # Pagination
    'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
    'PAGE_SIZE': 5,

    # Testing

    # Versioning
    'DEFAULT_VERSIONING_CLASS': 'rest_framework.versioning.AcceptHeaderVersioning',
    'VERSION_PARAM': 'version',


  1. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong? Any recommendation to make both work together (versioning and swagger)? Any suggestions?
  2. And BTW (this is secondary and not the main question): Is it possible to launch drf-spectacular tests into my own project?

Thanks in advance!


  • Question 1: Versioning works just fine. This is a common mistake. When SpectacularAPIView is versioned with AcceptHeaderVersioning (via DEFAULT_VERSIONING_CLASS), the request that fetches the schema from SpectacularAPIView likely does not contain the version header, and thus you only get unversioned endpoints (in your case none).

    Either explicitly request a versioned schema with /api/schema?version=v2 or set version manually with

    path('api/schema/', SpectacularAPIView.as_view(api_version='v2'), name='schema'),

    FAQ entry

    Where the magic happens and the order in which versions are used.

    Question 2: The python wheels do not include the tests. For that you would need to install the source package: