Search code examples

Remove Vertical Scroll on iFrame

Having some trouble removing the vertical scroll from the Available Careers listing iframe on this sample page.

If I increase the height="1600px" to height="1700px", then the vertical scroll disappears on desktop, but still remains on mobile.

    <div class="jobs__wrap bg-grey-pattern">
    <div class="jobs__header">
    <h4>Available Careers</h4>
    <iframe src=" 
    b6ca-cc391c862dc5/CPUMMILL" width="100%" height="1600px" style="border:0;" 
    allowfullscreen="no" loading="lazy"></iframe>

And the tricky thing is that currently there are 16 open available job positions. That number will fluctuate, and the iframe section could show as little as 2 or 3 or as many as 20 or so available the iframe job listing section height will decrease and increase.


  •  <div class="jobs__wrap bg-grey-pattern">
        <div class="jobs__header">
        <h4>Available Careers</h4>
        <iframe onload="resizeIframe(this)" id="iframe-id" src=" 
        b6ca-cc391c862dc5/CPUMMILL" width="100%" height="100%" style="border:0;" 
        allowfullscreen="no" loading="lazy"></iframe>
      function resizeIframe(iframe) {
        iframe.height = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + "px";