I'm trying to convert each row in a jsonb column to a type that I've defined, and I can't quite seem to get there.
I have an app that scrapes articles from The Guardian Open Platform and dumps the responses (as jsonb) in an ingestion table, into a column called 'body'. Other columns are a sequential ID, and a timestamp extracted from the response payload that helps my app only scrape new data.
I'd like to move the response dump data into a properly-defined table, and as I know the schema of the response, I've defined a type (my_type
I've been referring to the 9.16. JSON Functions and Operators in the Postgres docs. I can get a single record as my type:
select * from jsonb_populate_record(null::my_type, (select body from data_ingestion limit 1));
id | type | sectionId | ... |
example_id | example_type | example_section_id | ... |
(abbreviated for concision)
If I remove the limit, I get an error, which makes sense: the subquery would be providing multiple rows to jsonb_populate_record
which only expects one.
I can get it to do multiple rows, but the result isn't broken into columns:
select jsonb_populate_record(null::my_type, body) from reviews_ingestion limit 3;
jsonb_populate_record |
(example_id_1,example_type_1,example_section_id_1,...) |
(example_id_2,example_type_2,example_section_id_2,...) |
(example_id_3,example_type_3,example_section_id_3,...) |
This is a bit odd, I would have expected to see column names; this after all is the point of providing the type.
I'm aware I can do this by using Postgres JSON querying functionality, e.g.
body -> 'id' as id,
body -> 'type' as type,
body -> 'sectionId' as section_id,
from reviews_ingestion;
This works but it seems quite inelegant. Plus I lose datatypes.
I've also considered aggregating all rows in the body
column into a JSON array, so as to be able to supply this to jsonb_populate_recordset
but this seems a bit of a silly approach, and unlikely to be performant.
Is there a way to achieve what I want, using Postgres functions?
Maybe you need this - to break my_type
record into columns:
select (jsonb_populate_record(null::my_type, body)).*
from reviews_ingestion
limit 3;
-- or whatever other query clauses here
i.e. select all from these my_type
records. All column names and types are in place.
Here is an illustration. My custom type is delmet
and CTO t
remotely mimics data_ingestion
create type delmet as (x integer, y text, z boolean);
with t(i, j, k) as
(1, '{"x":10, "y":"Nope", "z":true}'::jsonb, 'cats'),
(2, '{"x":11, "y":"Yep", "z":false}', 'dogs'),
(3, '{"x":12, "y":null, "z":true}', 'parrots')
select i, (jsonb_populate_record(null::delmet, j)).*, k
from t;
i | x | y | z | k |
1 | 10 | Nope | true | cats |
2 | 11 | Yep | false | dogs |
3 | 12 | true | parrots |