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How to find the path to tf.exe from MsBuild

I have an MsBuild file which shells out to TFS using tf.exe for a few things. Unfortunately the tf.exe file has been installed to different locations on the developer PCs and the build server.

I could really do with a way of detecting where the tf.exe file is located within my script in the same way you can do $(MSBuildExtensionsPath32) etc. Is this possible?

Thanks as always :)


  • Does the environment variable VS100COMNTOOLS point to the correct path for visual studio? E.g. VS100COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\

    So then all you need is $(VS100COMNTOOLS)..\IDE

    <Target Name="Build">
       <Exec Command="&quot;$(VS100COMNTOOLS)..\IDE\tf.exe&quot;"/>

    or however you want to tidy it up.

    The environment variable changes depending on the version of Visual Studio:

    • %VS110COMNTOOLS% - Visual Studio 2012
    • %VS120COMNTOOLS% - Visual Studio 2013
    • %VS140COMNTOOLS% - Visual Studio 2015