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AppleScripts and Databases (SQLite3)?

Sorry in advance if this question has been answered, but I honestly don't even know what to google since there's not much info on reading/writing to ANY database using AppleScripts (at least none that I can get working or make sense...)

Background: I'm trying to use AppleScripts to manage my playlists in Apple Music.

I have the structure of my music library as follows: (bold are folders) -Library:
-----Featured in (like ft. Adele)
-----Featured in
----X Ambassadors
-----Featured in
----Song Tags
----Person Tags
----Reference Tags
and you get the idea.

Since Apple Music doesn't have a good tagging system, I created a shortcut in iOS that allows me to add the current song to multiple playlists (essentially a tag). Then I can create a smart playlist that is for example all songs that are exclusively in both Happy and Upbeat.

I'm using AppleScripts to keep everything organized and ability to create new artist folders with the click of a button. It's just a huge task and really messy, so I wanted to keep a database setup like this...


Logic behind this is each playlist and playlist folder is assigned a unique ID which is what I want to store for each artist. I haven't gotten this far, but I also want to do something similar with the other tags...

I tried working with SQLite in terminal to achieve this, I have the database setup, but passing strings to the terminal requires SO MUCH EFFORT (like the string has to start with sqlite3, spaces are counted as new lines, getting the output...)

Am I going about this like an idiot?? Does anyone have any thoughts?? I've spent the whole weekend trying to figure this out. I stumbled upon some AppleScripts online (like Dougs) which have been SO USEFUL, but I need to be able to customize and streamline it.



  • Build example (Database Events):

    set presidential_data to {¬
        {"Adams", "John", "", 2, 1797, 1801, "Federalist"}, ¬
        {"Adams", "John", "Quincy", 6, 1825, 1829, "Democratic-Republican"}, ¬
        {"Arthur", "Chester", "A.", 21, 1881, 1885, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Buchanan", "James", "", 15, 1857, 1861, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Bush", "George", "H. W.", 41, 1989, 1993, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Carter", "Jimmy", "", 39, 1977, 1981, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Cleveland", "Grover", "", 22, 1885, 1889, "Democratic"}, ¬
        {"Cleveland", "Grover", "", 24, 1893, 1897, "Democratic"}, ¬
        {"Clinton", "William", "J.", 42, 1993, 2001, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Coolidge", "Calvin", "", 30, 1923, 1929, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Eisenhower", "Dwight", "D.", 34, 1953, 1961, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Fillmore", "Millard", "", 13, 1850, 1853, "Whig"}, ¬
        {"Ford", "Gerald", "R.", 38, 1974, 1977, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Garfield", "James", "A.", 20, 1881, 1881, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Grant", "Ulysses", "S.", 18, 1869, 1877, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Harding", "Warren", "G.", 29, 1921, 1923, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Harrison", "Benjamin", "", 23, 1889, 1893, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Harrison", "William", "Henry", 9, 1841, 1841, "Whig"}, ¬
        {"Hayes", "Rutherford", "B.", 19, 1877, 1881, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Hoover", "Herbert", "C.", 31, 1929, 1933, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Jackson", "Andrew", "", 7, 1829, 1837, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Jefferson", "Thomas", "", 3, 1801, 1809, "Democratic-Republican"}, ¬
        {"Johnson", "Andrew", "", 17, 1865, 1869, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Johnson", "Lyndon", "B.", 36, 1963, 1969, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Kennedy", "John", "F.", 35, 1961, 1963, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Lincoln", "Abraham", "", 16, 1861, 1863, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Madison", "James", "", 4, 1809, 1817, "Democratic-Republican"}, ¬
        {"McKinley", "William", "", 25, 1897, 1901, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Monroe", "James", "", 5, 1817, 1825, "Democratic-Republican"}, ¬
        {"Nixon", "Richard", "M.", 37, 1969, 1974, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Pierce", "Frankin", "", 14, 1853, 1857, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Polk", "James", "K.", 11, 1845, 1849, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Reagan", "Ronald", "", 40, 1981, 1989, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Roosevelt", "Frankin", "D.", 32, 1933, 1945, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Roosevelt", "Theodore", "", 26, 1901, 1909, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Taft", "William", "H.", 27, 1909, 1913, "Republican"}, ¬
        {"Taylor", "Zachary", "", 12, 1849, 1860, "Whig"}, ¬
        {"Truman", "Harry", "S.", 33, 1945, 1953, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Tyler", "john", "", 10, 1841, 1845, "Whig"}, ¬
        {"Van Buren", "Martin", "", 8, 1837, 1841, "Democrat"}, ¬
        {"Washington", "George", "", 1, 1789, 1797, "None"}, ¬
        {"Wilson", "Woodrow", "", 28, 1913, 1921, "Democrat"}}
    -- field names must match the order of the data
    set the field_names to {"Last Name", "First Name", "Middle Initials", "Index", "Start Year", "End Year", "Party"}
    -- database file names have a name extension of "dbev"
    set database_name to "Presidents"
    tell application "Database Events"
        if (count of databases) is greater than 0 then
        end if
    end tell
    -- build the database
    -- NOTE: due to a bug in Database Events, all database files are created with a name extension of "dbev" in a directory named Databases in the Documents folder
    tell application "Database Events"
        set this_database to make new database with properties {name:database_name}
        tell this_database
            repeat with record_data in the presidential_data
                set this_record to make new record with properties {name:""}
                tell this_record
                    repeat with i from 1 to the count of field_names
                        set the field_name to item i of field_names
                        set the field_data to item i of record_data
                        make new field with properties {name:field_name, value:field_data}
                    end repeat
                end tell
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

    Query Examples (reading the created database):

    set database_file to (POSIX path of (path to documents folder)) & "Databases/presidents.dbev"
    tell application "Database Events"
        tell database database_file
            get value of field "Last Name" of (every record whose value of field "Start Year" is greater than or equal to 1800 and value of field "Start Year" is less than or equal to 1900)
            -- {"Adams", "Arthur", "Buchanan", "Cleveland", "Cleveland", "Fillmore", "Garfield", "Grant", "Harrison", "Harrison", "Hayes", "Jackson", "Jefferson", "Johnson", "Lincoln", "Madison", "McKinley", "Monroe", "Pierce", "Polk", "Taylor", "Tyler", "Van Buren"}
            get value of field "Last Name" of (every record whose value of field "Party" is "Republican")
            get value of field "Last Name" of (every record whose value of field "Start Year" is greater than 1899)
            get the first record whose value of field "Last Name" contains "Adams"
            get the value of field "Last Name" of every record
        end tell
    end tell