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How to convert the recursive solution to "Moons and Umbrellas" to DP?

I'm trying to come up with a DP solution to Moons and Umbrellas from Code Jam's Qualification Round 2021. Below is my working recursive solution, based on their analysis:

import sys
from functools import lru_cache


T = int(input())

for case in range(1, T+1):
    X, Y, S = input().split()
    X = int(X)
    Y = int(Y)
    S = tuple(S)

    def cost(S):
        if len(S) <= 1:
            return 0

        if S[0] == '?':
            return min(cost(('C',) + S[1:]), cost(('J',) + S[1:]))

        if S[0] != '?' and S[1] == '?':
            return min(cost((S[0],) + ('C',) + S[2:]), cost((S[0],) + ('J',) + S[2:]))

        if S[0] == S[1]:
            return cost(S[1:])

        if S[0] == 'C' and S[1] == 'J':
            return X + cost(S[1:])

        if S[0] == 'J' and S[1] == 'C':
            return Y + cost(S[1:])

    print(f'Case #{case}: {cost(S)}')

The problem in a nutshell is given a string of C's, J's, and ?s (e.g. CCJCJ??JC or JCCC??CJ), the question marks should be replaced by either C or J. Minimize the cost of transitioning from Cto J or vice versa. The two types of transitions have different costs.

How do I convert it to a DP solution using the bottom-up approach?


  • This solution works for all 3 Test sets:

    T = int(input())
    C, J = 0, 1
    INF = float('inf')
    for case in range(1, T+1):
        X, Y, S = input().split()
        X = int(X)  # CJ
        Y = int(Y)  # JC
        dp = [[None, None] for _ in range(len(S))]
        for i, c in enumerate(S):
            if i == 0:
                if c == 'C':
                    dp[i][C] = 0
                    dp[i][J] = INF
                elif c == 'J':
                    dp[i][J] = 0
                    dp[i][C] = INF
                elif c == '?':
                    dp[i][C] = 0
                    dp[i][J] = 0
                if c == 'C':
                    dp[i][J] = INF
                    if S[i-1] == 'C':
                        dp[i][C] = dp[i-1][C]
                    elif S[i-1] == 'J':
                        dp[i][C] = dp[i-1][J] + Y
                    elif S[i-1] == '?':
                        dp[i][C] = min(dp[i-1][C], dp[i-1][J] + Y)
                elif c == 'J':
                    dp[i][C] = INF
                    if S[i-1] == 'C':
                        dp[i][J] = dp[i-1][C] + X
                    elif S[i-1] == 'J':
                        dp[i][J] = dp[i-1][J]
                    elif S[i-1] == '?':
                        dp[i][J] = min(dp[i-1][J], dp[i-1][C] + X)
                elif c == '?':
                    if S[i-1] == 'C':
                        dp[i][C] = dp[i-1][C]
                        dp[i][J] = dp[i-1][C] + X
                    elif S[i-1] == 'J':
                        dp[i][C] = dp[i-1][J] + Y
                        dp[i][J] = dp[i-1][J]
                    elif S[i-1] == '?':
                        dp[i][C] = min(dp[i-1][C], dp[i-1][J] + Y)
                        dp[i][J] = min(dp[i-1][J], dp[i-1][C] + X)
        print(f'Case #{case}: {min(dp[-1])}')