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In VHDL how best to wait for a clock edge in a test bench

When writing test benches, is there any problem with writing

wait for 1 ns ; wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;

every time I want to wait for the next rising edge?

I'd like to put this sequence in a procedure and then always use it.

The reason I want to wait for 1 ns is that if I simply have the wait untils and there is no signal assignment in between two of them, they will collapse into one.

The clock cycle time is 10ns, so 1 ns shouldn't be a problem. What I'd really like to do is wait for one delta, but I don't know how to do that. Is it possible?

Are there hidden pitfalls to this approach?

We're using VHDL 93 with the ISIM simulator.


  • You don't need the wait for 1 ns.

    One way to wait for 5 clocks is:

    wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;
    wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;
    wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;
    wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;
    wait until rising_edge( clock ) ;

    One simplified rule is that the wait statement always suspends the process for at least a simulation/delta cycle.

    With a wait until that does not have an explicitly supplied on sensitivity-list (such as the example above), there is an implied on sensitivity-list that has every signal in the until clause in it. Hence, the above is equivalent to:

    wait on clock until rising_edge( clock ) ; 
    wait on clock until rising_edge( clock ) ; 
    wait on clock until rising_edge( clock ) ; 
    wait on clock until rising_edge( clock ) ; 
    wait on clock until rising_edge( clock ) ; 

    Maybe this longer form is a little more obvious - when clock changes and rising_edge( clock ) is true the wait statement will resume and continue to the next wait statement. The next wait statement suspends until a change on clock occurs.