I am fairly new to gatling, and I am trying to print out Map values of session to the console. The values saved in the session are of the format.
sessionVariable -> Map (key1 -> Map(nkey1 -> nval1, nkey2 -> nval2 ...), key2 -> val2, key3 -> val3)
I am trying to get the val2
or even nval1
from the session variable.
From this question and this question, I see I could do something like
val printSesssionVar = scenario("print session var").exec{
session =>
println(session("<your session var>").as[String])
So I have tried
val printSesssionVar = scenario("print session var").exec{
session =>
From the documentation, it is proper to use something like ${sessionVariable.key2} in a method, but I want to print the results to console.
but none seem to work. Please any suggestions?
Actually, I found a way; that is, getting the variable from the session not as a string but as a Map which is the right format of the data returned.
val printSesssionVar = scenario("print session var").exec{
session =>
val varFromSession = session("sessionVariable(0)").as[Map[String, Any]])