I am trying to find the ultimate parent with Dir pandas. But the task has one specialty where the graph doesn't really fit, or I simply don't know how to use it correctly. Input:
Child | Parent | Class |
1001 | 8888 | A |
1001 | 1002 | D |
1001 | 1002 | C |
1001 | 1003 | C |
1003 | 6666 | G |
1002 | 9999 | H |
Child | Ultimate_Parent | Class | Connection |
1001 | 8888 | A | Direct |
1001 | 9999 | D | Indirect |
1001 | 9999 | C | Indirect |
1001 | 6666 | C | Indirect |
1003 | 6666 | G | Direct |
1002 | 9999 | H | Direct |
I do:
import pandas as pd
import networx as nx
df = pd.DataFrame({'Child': ['1001', '1001', '1001', '1001', '1003', '1004'], 'Parent': ['8888', '1002', '1002', '1003', '6666', '9999'],'Class': ['A','D','C','C','G','H']})
def get_hierarchy (df):
DiG=nx.from_pandas_adgelist (df,'child','parent',create_using=nx.DiGraph())
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([(n1,n2) for n1 in DiG.nodes() for n2 in nx.ancestors(DiG, n1)], columns=['child','Ultimate_parent'])
return df
And I can't get how to use Class attribute here, to show twice 1001 with D and C classes.
Use G.predecessors
to detect if the current Parent
is a root of the tree or not. If yes, the connection is Direct
else the connection is Indirect
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source='Parent', target='Child',
roots = [node for node, degree in G.in_degree() if degree == 0]
ultimate_parent = [node if node in roots else list(G.predecessors(node))[0]
for node in df['Parent']]
df['Ultimate_Parent'] = ultimate_parent
df['Connection'] = np.where(df['Parent'] == df['Ultimate_Parent'],
'Direct', 'Indirect')
>>> df
Child Parent Class Ultimate_Parent Connection
0 1001 8888 A 8888 Direct
1 1001 1002 D 9999 Indirect
2 1001 1002 C 9999 Indirect
3 1001 1003 C 6666 Indirect
4 1003 6666 G 6666 Direct
5 1002 9999 H 9999 Direct